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The new Optomap Daytona device is the next cutting edge advance in the detection and treatment of potentially threatening eye conditions that otherwise may go unnoticed until significant sight has already been lost.

“The Optomap Daytona allows us to obtain an incredibly accurate scan of a patient's retinal, optic nerve and cornea structures, that often are invisible to more traditional exam methods,” explains Dr. Joseph Convertino of iCare Solutions in North Fort Myers & Punta Gorda, Florida, “We are looking for any early signs of structural change or disease that might signal a problem either before it happens or in its very early stages. With the Optomap Daytona, we are able to see even the most minor ocular changes with increased accuracy, and much higher definition. This makes detection of common sight threatening eye conditions such as glaucoma, macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy, much easier than it ever has been with previous technologies.”

North Fort Myers, FL

Punta Gorda, FL

Imaging technologies similar to the Optomap Daytona have traditionally been limited to scans that produce an image of only about 15% of the retina. By comparison, the OPTOS Optomap Daytona is able to capture an extremely accurate image of around 82% of the retina, providing a detailed picture of the patient’s eye that Dr. Convertino is able to use to compare from year to year to detect any changes that could signal problems.

“The quality and amount of information contained in this scan is of extremely high value,” explains Dr. Convertino, “Patients often don’t see issues arising in their vision, and may even believe their vision is great. However, many times when we administer the Optomap Daytona scan, we find that there are important changes that may signify possible eye issues. With older scans, these issues may have gone completely unnoticed.”

Exams with the OPTOS Daytona Optomap are also extremely comfortable. Nothing touches your eye at any time, making it suitable and comfortable for all ages. The comprehensive eye exam consists of taking a brief look into the device one eye at a time, followed by a low intensity flash of light, which lets you know the image of your retina has been taken. After this, the test is done.

Patients of all ages can benefit from the advanced information provided to Dr. Convertino through an Optomap Daytona OCT scan. For more information, contact Dr. Convertino today.

  • Takes up to a 200 degree image of the retina to record an image of 82% of the retina.
  • Capable of wide-fields funds auto-fluorescence imaging to assess the retina from the interior side.
  • The retina is composed of 10 distinct cell layers, so the Optos Daytona can provide a detailed record for assessment.
  • While most retinal imaging technology is limited in the deepest layers of the retina, the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and the photoreceptors, the Optos Daytona gives a complete scan to show the entire health of the retina.

Optomap Med

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